Inclusive Play

Outdoor spaces are critical for the development, growth and wellness of people. The playground is a reflection of the community and everyone should be able to experience it in a way that meets their abilities and preferences. Using the Principles of Universal Design, we partner with BCI Burke to design products and playspaces that bring joy, connection, opportunity and play to people of all ages, abilities, backgrounds and genders. Using play as a universal language, we provide spaces that help people find the best of themselves and each other through play. Browse Burke's Inclusive Play Brochure.


Inclusive Playgrounds & Products

Play is essential at all ages and stages of life and ensuring everyone can experience equitable play is crucial to communities. Meeting ADA requirements is the law and access to public recreation and play areas is a civil right for all. Accessibility doesn’t equal inclusion; inclusion offers more. Inclusion means people feel like the space was designed for them. Whether it’s history being told, “can’t” being turned into “can,” a thirst for adventure being quenched or celebrating our natural ways of being, all people benefit from spaces designed for everyone in the community. Having a wide variety of play opportunities helps to engage and enrich all people, which is an important part of inclusion. 

Bring Play That Moves Everyone to Your Community!

Contact our team or explore Burke's Inclusive Play brochure.